It can be a little freaky the first time your baby rolls over in their sleep. Some mamas even sneak in there and roll their baby right back over, which either results in the baby rolling back on to their tummy (rinse and repeat) orrrr in an angry baby who was just woken up from a cozy sleep. What's a worried mama to do?

The silver lining to this anxiety-inducing behavior is that your child has just achieved a major milestone! They have worked hard to develop the core and neck strength to be successful at their goal and now they are doing it! That's all wonderful except now you are wide awake staring at the monitor as your child sleeps blissfully on their belly.

For your own peace of mind and sleep safety, continue placing your baby down on their back at the start of the night/nap. They will roll themselves over when ready. Tummy sleep is self-soothing to babies and many of them love it and even prefer it!

Here are some facts and tips:

  • Once a baby is rolling to their tummy by themselves, it is safe for them to sleep there.

  • The very first time he rolls in his crib you can go in and roll him back over to reassure yourself that it wasn’t a fluke. The next time he rolls, he is officially safe to sleep there! Giving your baby the space to figure it out will help them to learn the fastest.

  • As soon as your baby is showing signs of rolling transition them from a swaddle to a sleep sack, as you are going to want their arms and hands free.

  • Ramp up the tummy time a ton! Put a circle of toys around your baby to entice him to move in the different directions. The faster you can get your baby rolling back and forth with ease, the less it will throw their sleep off.

Gross motor skill regressions peak just before a baby masters a new skill and you will notice in the weeks leading up to the milestone of rolling that your little one's sleep can be thrown off. This is due to the frustration of them wanting to roll, but not being able to. Timing and consistency of routine are key when it comes to sleep, especially when your little one is going through developmental changes. Considering that this is just the first of many, many milestones over the next few years, your best plan is to have a plan!

We got you, mama. Put the monitor down, let's create that plan together!

Written by: Sacha Jarrell

Alexandra Coffman